<b>Classification of Computers </b>

<b>Classification of Computers </b>

Classification of Computers

Classification of Computers

There are three major categories based on which computers can be classified. These are:

  1. Based on Size
  2. Based on Purpose
  3. Based on Types

The image given below gives a clear classification of the Types of Computers:

Types of Computer-Based on Types

The three types of computers along with their functions are given below:

  • Analog Computer – An analog computer one that uses the continuously changeable aspects of physical phenomena to model the problem being solved. These phenomena may be such as electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic quantities and they are extremely complex to be used. Such computers are mostly used for scientific and industrial applications. Examples of Analog computers include Thermometer, Operational Amplifiers, Electric Integrators, etc.
  • Digital Computer – Such computers are capable of solving problems in discrete format. It only operates on data entered in binary language and can perform the dynamic function of managing large amounts of data and regulating the operations of the machine, Examples of Digital computers are Desktop, Laptop, Mobile Phones, etc.
  • Hybrid Computer – Computers that exhibit features of both Analog and Digital computers are called Hybrid Computers. The logical operations are solved by the digital aspects and the differential equations are solved using the analog features. Few important examples of Hybrid Computers include Space Flights, Food processing Plants, etc. 

Types of Computers – Based on Size

Described below are the four types of Computers based on their sizes along with their functions:

  • Micro Computers – A relatively inexpensive and small computer comprising a microprocessor and a Central Processing Unit (CPU) is called a Microcomputer. Such computers are made with minimal circuitry mounting over a single circuit board. Examples include Desktop, Laptop, etc.
  • Mini Computer – Developed in the mid-1960s, Mini computers are comparatively smaller than mainframe computers. They were developed keeping in consideration human interaction, control instrumentation and were cost-effective. For example Smartphones, iPads, etc.
  • Mainframe Computer – Computers used by large Organisations to manage bulk data are called Mainframe computers. Main functions of such type include managing customer statistics, census and other heavy data in a single device. For example, the system used at Trading companies.
  • Super Computer – Computers used at Organisations dealing with Weather forecasting, Quantum Mechanics, Climate research, etc., where high level of performance has to be justified are called Super Computers.

Types of Computer – By Purpose

On the basis of purpose, there are just two variety of computers. Those two varieties have been discussed in detail below:

  1. General Purpose – Based on General Purpose, there are these following functions which a device is expected to perform:
    1. Basic Input/Output functions
    2. Calculations
    3. Data Saving on a smaller scale
    4. General performing activities

These may include basic calculators, laptops, desktop computers, mobile phones, etc., which can help people with their basic necessary functions are included in the General Purpose computer type.

Special Purpose – When a computer is designed specifically to perform a certain function, such type of computers is known as Special Purpose computer. These types may include:

  1. Thermometers to test temperature
  2. Generators to manage electricity
  3. Devices used for analysing Climate Change
  4. Large computers for IT Companies
  5. Machines used at Manufacturing Units and the list goes on and on

The special-purpose computers are important for various Organisations and their applications are made in a way that makes the work easy and efficient.