What is Crowd Disaster?

What is Crowd Disaster?

What is Crowd Disaster?

What is Crowd Disaster?

Although crowd disasters are not a new phenomenon, however, they were thought to be of localized nature and hence were not given their due importance. However, with the ever-increasing population of India, the instances of large masses gathering at places such as shopping malls, religious destinations, railway stations etc. on a daily basis, and the realization that immense amount of destruction of life and national property happen in these mishaps, it has become imperative to devise a national policy in this regard.

Causes of Crowd-related disasters

According to the NDMA, there are six categories into which these causes can be classified:

  1. Structural failures
  2. Fire/ Electricity
  3. Crowd Control
  4. Crowd Behaviour
  5. Security lapses
  6. Lack of Coordination among different stakeholders

NDMA Guidelines for Crowd Management

Planning the strategy for management

  1. Understanding visitors
  2. Understanding stakeholders
  3. Crowd Management strategies
    • Capacity planning
    • Understanding Crowd behaviour
    • Crowd disaster process
    • Crowd control
    • Stakeholder approach
  4. Risk analysis and preparedness
    • Identify threats or causes
    • Risk assessment
    • Planning
    • Develop a course of action
  5. Information management and dissemination
  6. Safety and security measures
  7. Medical Emergency Services

Role of Media

Broadly we can categorise the role of media in the following way:

  1. Educational
  2. Critical
  3. Suggestive

Before a disaster:

  1. Bring to the attention of the authorities
  2. Prepare the community and making them aware of Do’s and Don’ts
  3. Keeping a watch on anti-social elements, thereby helping in maintaining the law and order situation

During a disaster:

  1. Broadcasting accurate information to stop rumours and hence reduce panic
  2. Make people aware of their Do’s and Don’ts to reduce further damage of a probable secondary risk
  3. Can assist the authorities in reaching out to the victims and their families
  4. Facilitate resource mobilization (funds) for relief operations

After a disaster:

  1. Informing the people about the post-disaster rehabilitation measures for putting pressure on the authorities
  2. Provide aid in investigating the causes of the disaster
  3. Can help generate expert opinion through debates/discussions for better preparedness levels in future

Role of Science and Technology Disaster Mitigation and Prevention

  1. Geographic information system
  2. Radiofrequency identification
  3. Radio, Television, SMS etc.

These all including other technologies and methods help in creating early warning systems, information dissemination, search and rescue, insurance processing etc.

Legal Provisions

  1. Disaster Management Act, 2005
  2. The Police Act, 1961
  3. Kerala Police Act, 2011
  4. UP Melas Act, 1938
  5. Cinematograph Act, 1952
  6. Delhi Cinematograph Rules, 1953