1.Which of the following is not a variety of mango?

[A] Banganapalle
[B] Alphonso
[C] Sindhoora
[D] Red Dacca


2.Trimethylxanthine is a chemical name of a stimulant which is found in tea and coffee. What is the popular name?

[A] Thein
[B] Caffeine
[C] Theobromine
[D] Theophylline


3.When Sulphur is heated with rubber, the process is commonly known as ?

[A] Galvanization
[B] Sulphonation
[C] Vulcanization
[D] Hydrodesulfurization


4.Whch among the following are called scavengers of ecosystems?

[A] Bacteria
[B] Fungi & Bacteria
[C] Algae, Fungi & Bacteria
[D] None of the above


5.The natural Pacemaker in the Human Heart is located in the SA node which is present in which among the following chambers?

[A] Right Auricle
[B] Left Auricle
[C] Right Ventricle
[D] Left Ventricle


6.Gargling with a solution of table salt is known to provide relief for a sore throat because ____ ?

[A] It kills bacteria
[B] It works as analgesic
[C] It dehydrates water from inflammatory tissues by Osmosis
[D] None of the above reasons


7.In which among the following plants, seeds germinate and seedlings grow while still attached to their mother plant?

[A] Onion
[B] Rhizophora
[C] Sheesham
[D] Cycas


8.Consider the following diseases:
1. Wilson’s disease
2. Turner’s syndrome
3. Daltonism
Which among the above is / are genetic diseases?

[A] Only 1 & 2
[B] Only 2 & 3
[C] Only 1 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3


9.Which of the following organisms is not a mollusc?

[A] Octopus
[B] Snail
[C] Oyster
[D] Starfish


10.Consider the following statements about Tobacco Mosaic Virus:
  1. It is the first virus discovered to contain RNA as the genetic material
  2. The virus is highly transmittable through routine greenhouse operations

   Which of the above statements is/are correct?

[A] 1 Only
[B] 2 Only
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 nor 2

11.Hypotonic solution is a solution:

[A] whose osmotic pressure is less than that of another
[B] which can dissolve maximum amount of solute at given temperature
[C] of solid in gas
[D] of solid in solid


12.Consider the following matches:
1. Asafoetida  –  Gum
2. Saffron – Stigma
3. Turmeric – Underground root
4. Clove – Flower bud
Which among the above matches is / are correct ?

[A] Only 1 & 2
[B] Only 1, 2 & 4
[C] Only 2, 3 & 4
[D] 1, 2, 3 & 4


13.Which of the following are examples of central nervous system disorder?
  1. Encephalitis
  2. Meningitis
  3. Multiple sclerosis

Select the correct option from codes given below:

[A] 1 & 2 Only
[B] 2 & 3 Only
[C] 1 & 3 Only
[D] 1, 2 & 3


14.Consider the following differences between Physisorption and Chemisorptions:


  1. While physisorption occurs at low temperature, chemisorption occurs at high temperature
  2. While physisorption is a reversible process, chemisorption is an irreversible process

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

[A] 1 Only
[B] 2 Only
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 nor 2


15.Consider the following differences between Sodium Vapour Lamp and Mercury Lamp:


  1. While sodium vapour lamp gives out a yellowish colour illumination, and a mercury vapour lamp that gives out a white colour illumination
  2. The light in sodium vapour lamp is from an atomic emission process whereas in mercury vapour lamp it is from fluorescence emission

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

[A] 1 Only
[B] 2 Only
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 nor 2


16.Consider the following statements:


  1. Nephron is the primary filtering unit of the kidney
  2. Kidneys help in making red blood cells

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

[A] 1 Only
[B] 2 Only
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 nor 2


17.What is the rate of acceleration produced by 1 dyne force acting on a body of mass 1 gram?

[A] 9.8 m s-2
[B] 1 m s-2
[C] 1 cm s-2
[D] 9.8 cm s-2


18.Which of these states of matter has the maximum density?

[A] Solids
[B] Liquids
[C] Gases
[D] None of the above


19.What of the following represents viscosity?

[A] resistance to fluid motion
[B] pressure difference between two fluids
[C] potential energy stored in a fluid
[D] roughness of the surface


20.What is the effect of increase of temperature on the speed of sound?

[A] it increases
[B] it decreases
[C] it may or may not increase
[D] No effect

21.Which of the following condition will be true for a planet to have atmosphere?

[A] velocity of molecules in its atmosphere is lesser than escape velocity
[B] velocity of molecules in its atmosphere is greater than escape velocity
[C] velocity of molecules in its atmosphere is twice the escape velocity
[D] velocity of molecules in its atmosphere is equal to the escape velocity


22.What is the order of distance for interatomic forces to be active?

[A] 10–7 metre
[B] 10–8 metre
[C] 10–9 metre
[D] 10–10 metre


23.What happens to a body when its density is greater than the density of the fluid?

[A] it floats
[B] it sinks
[C] it stays at rest
[D] None of the above


24.What do we call the centre of gravity of the liquid displaced by a body?

[A] fluidic centre
[B] meta-centre
[C] centre of buoyancy
[D] None of the above


25.Which of the following factors affect the Surface Tension?

[A] Nature of liquid
[B] Area of Surface
[C] Both a and b
[D] None of the above


26.What is the S.I. unit of electric charge?

[A] Ampere
[B] Coulomb
[C] Joule
[D] Watt


27.Which of the following is correct about magnetic field lines?

[A] Magnetic field lines are closed curves
[B] Degree of closeness of the field lines shows the strength of the magnetic field
[C] Both a and b
[D] None of the above


28.Which of the following element has an isotope named as Tritium?

[A] Helium
[B] Carbon
[C] Titanium
[D] Hydrogen


29.Which of the following is correct?

[A] The nuclear force does not depend on the electric charge
[B] The nuclear force is much weaker than the Coulomb force
[C] Both a and b
[D] None of the above


30.Which of the following metal foils was used in the Rutherford’s alpha particle scattering experiment?

[A] Copper
[B] Silver
[C] Gold
[D] Aluminium

31.Which of these salts is responsible for the hardness of water?

[A] Calcium
[B] Magnesium
[C] Sodium
[D] Both a and b


Who among the following is considered to be the father of Comparative Anatomy?

[A] Georges Cuvier
[B] Stephen Hales
[C] Hugo de Vries
[D] Edwin John Butler


33.Viral nucleocapsid is a combination of __?

[A] genome and capsid
[B] capsid and spikes
[C] envelope and capsid
[D] capsomere and genome


34.Flowers having both androecium and gynoecium are called?

[A] Bisexual flowers
[B] Anther
[C] Stamens
[D] Unisexual flowers


35.Spiders, butterflies, and mosquitoes belong to which of the following?

[A] Mollusca
[B] Echinodermata
[C] Annelida
[D] Arthropoda


36.What causes ankylostomiasis disease?

[A] pinworm
[B] Filarial worm
[C] roundworms
[D] Hookworm


37.The blue pigment of Molluscan blood is hemocyanin from?

[A] Iron
[B] Magnesium
[C] Copper
[D] Manganese


38.What is the study of bird migration?

[A] Ecology
[B] Nidology
[C] Phenology
[D] Phrenology


39.Where is heparin derived from?

[A] intestines of pigs
[B] intestines of goats
[C] intestines of cows
[D] intestines of dogs


40.Which of the following layer of skin provides a waterproof barrier and forms our skin tone?

[A] epidermis
[B] dermis
[C] hypodermis
[D] None of these

41.Which of the following forms the boundary between the middle and inner ear?

[A] incus
[B] oval window
[C] pinnae
[D] tympanic membrane


42.Myopia may occur because __

[A] the eyeball is too short from front to back
[B] the eyeball is elongated from front to back
[C] the muscles that control the lens may lose power as people grow older
[D] None of these


43.What is the name of the only moving bone in the human skull?

[A] Ethmoid bone
[B] Mandible bone
[C] Nasal bone
[D] Lacrimal bone


44.One of two large chambers on the lower side of the heart that collect and expel blood towards the peripheral beds within the body and lungs:

[A] Capillaries
[B] Atria
[C] Ventricles
[D] Valves


45.Which of the following are erythrocytes?

[A] White blood cells
[B] Red blood cells
[C] Platelets
[D] All of the above


46.Which of the following cells is involved in humoral immunity?

[A] T-cells
[B] B-cells
[C] Mast cells
[D] Both T and B cells


47.What is the function of the Kidney?

[A] It cleans the blood by filtering it and removing waste products
[B] It regulates minerals in the body and produces hormones
[C] Both 1 and 2 are correct
[D] Only 1 is correct


48.AIDS, Polio, Measles, Influenza are some examples of infections caused by which of the following?

[A] Virus
[B] Bacteria
[C] Protozoan
[D] Fungi


49.Which of the following are examples of hydrophilic molecules?

[A] sugar
[B] cellulose
[C] starch
[D] All of the above


50.The process of preventing the birds from flying is called ____:

[A] Debeaking
[B] Dubbing
[C] Brailing
[D] Pecking

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